Marriage is defined as a union but that's just the beginning. It's a union of love, devotion and loyalty. In today's episode, Dr. Esther Shu Shin Lee is here to discuss about some tips of maintaining a good relationship in a marriage.
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Being an American citizen for nearly a half century, Dr. Lee, next Sunday, will offer her advice to Chinese Americans for assimilating into the mainstream society. Here she is offering the background and key points of her next Sunday’s episode. Dr. Lee is a former member of Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles and professor of Multicultural Education.
李恕信博士過去曾在大學教授發展心理學課程。今天他要在此簡單討論由恐懼引起的負面情緒,並提供簡單的方法來減少,以及克服恐懼。 本頻道會根據聽眾的反應,決定是否在日後更進一步深入探討此議題。
Today Dr. Lee, a former university professor of Developmental Psychology, is to briefly discuss the basic negative emotions caused by FEAR. Further in-depth explosions will be followed based on listeners’ interests.
你是否曾想過他人對我們的看法? 在今天的節目中,李恕信博士要和我們談談她與外國人交流的經歷,並討論川總統上任後,人們對美國人的看法有何變化。
Have you ever pay attention to people's perceptions of us? In today's episode, Dr. Esther Shu Shin Lee talked about her experiences talking with foreigners, and discuss how has people's perception toward American changed after President Trump came to office.
In today's episode, Dr. Esther She Shin Lee points out the origin and causes for any migration even within the US for better life.
AuthorDr. Esther Shu-shin Lee Archives
August 2019
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